Wednesday, February 2, 2011


In my neck of the woods, we wait on snow to melt.  Plows run the main roads, but then they're done.  We just got the worst storm in 40 years I hear, and my car looks more like a skateboard ramp then a vehicle this morning.

I'll be walking to the store here shortly to buy cigarettes with my last few dollars; in an effort to delay that inevitability I wanted to post something about global warming.  I'm no expert, but I spend a lot of time reading and watching their ideas on the issue.  I also hear often that snowstorms like this one disprove it.  There's a bit of a flaw of logic happening.

Snow comes from water, right?  More snow means there's more water in the atmosphere.  More water comes from a higher rate of evaporation or an increase in the surface area of the water on the planet.  In this way, warming the earth would lead to more precipitation.  Simple right?  You'd be amazed how many can't seem to follow.

But, this isn't global warming.  People say "The worst storm in 40 years!" but remember 40 years ago? Records aren't being beet everywhere.  The rate of dead birds falling from the sky hasn't increased, just the news coverage allotted them.  It seems the most dangerous thing about this upcoming 2012 date-of-DOOOM! (3 O's for emphasis) is the people who completely missed it when their teachers started talking about "Critical Thinking".

How did we get so many snoozers in America?  In a system weighted to give rural people more power per vote, how can we allow ignorance to still guide their ideals?  Well... It worked!  The country got rich off it's lower class and manipulated information to fit the needs of today instead of a vision of tomorrow.  George W Bush, case in point.  History will record him as one of the worst presidents ever, undoubtedly.  Anything he did needed to be fixed later.  The war he started will fail to accomplish what he set out to do.  Yet, here in hillbilly heaven, he's somewhat loved!  Is it a christian ideal to neglect facts for god?  It seems to me, a godless liberal, that yes... yes it is.  When you can't explain something or you're faced with overwhelming evidence, you turn to "Faith" and violence - or a complete mental block.  Like this 'lil tidbit... Jesus never preached personal responsibility over charity.  He said give of yourself, and when you're afraid you're giving too much, give more.  Taxes for a health care system?  That's right up his ally! 

Matthew 5:42 - New American Standard Bible
Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.

I'm not a democrat, but I support Obama.  I think his party is more focused on creating prosperity for those who haven't been given a fair chance so far.  To hear Mancow on the radio in the morning, knowing that there is no other side of the story being made available, scares me.  People say "At least he says what he believes in" but I see no evidence of that.  He spouts hate along party lines.  If that's really how he thinks I'd be shocked.  People usually have opinions that can't be found on a republican blog.

So remember kiddos, trust nothing from our government.  Trust our media even less.  Vote like every voice is really heard, and teach your kids to shoot for the day when it doesn't.  Keep your eyes open and remember the history of this country and species to keep perspective on what's really important.  Don't let fear drive you to sacrifice liberty.  Don't let god take away your brain.  And please... Be good to one another!

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